InterContinental Energies is your one-stop shop for worldwide marine energy solutions.
Bunkers are a major part of the daily expenses of a vessel. Where and when to bunker, taking into consideration quality, pricing, availability and possible alternatives, is a matter where InterContinental Energies (IBR) can assist you.
InterContinental Energies was established May 1981 and is handling bunker enquiries on a world-wide basis. Credit lines were established with all majors, state-owned and independent oil companies from which InterContinental Energies’s customers can benefit.
A network of direct bunker contacts, enables InterContinental Energies to offer competitive prices for a full range of marine fuels from IFO 380 CST through to Marine Gasoil in ports and offshore bunker spots throughout the globe. Product is supplied by reputable suppliers.
The bunker market is a volatile market . Prices ,quality, availability, supply possibilities change almost every hour. Attentive to the needs of the bunker buyers, InterContinental Energies is monitoring these changes and update their database daily. This information is available to their clients, providing them with the value-added marketing enhancements service they require.
InterContinental Energies prime objective is to provide an efficient and personal service.
Prompt attendance, accurate and updated information comes as a standard for all InterContinental Energies clients.
InterContinental Energies Rotterdam has been established in 1981 and for more than 35 years specialized in bunkering on a global scale. With a focus on local markets and circumstances, we are able to provide you with a solid solution for your bunker requirements. We offer our services and support on a 365 days and 24/7 basis.
Managing Director & SR trader
dir: +31.85.0403.677
mob: +31.650.687.367
Commercial Manager
dir: +31.85.0403.676
mob: +31.652.731.140
General Manager
dir: +31.85.0403.674
mob: +31.652.615.013
Financial Director
dir: +31.85.0403.678
mob: +31.655.888.852
Accounts & Office Manager
dir: +31.85.0403.675
mob: +31.629.548.290