Mission and Values


We will provide the best bunker supplies and service experience for our customers. We will do this in a way that will foster the continuous improvement of our people and our company. Within our capabilities, we promote the use of sustainable energy solutions in shipping with the aim to contribute in protecting and preserving the natural environment. We will be a top-performing, thoroughly professional, and genuinely caring organization in all that we do. 


We will be at the top when measured against appropriate business standards of performance.

We will pursue quality and profitability with the aim to stay in business and provide jobs for our people.

The development of our people is essential to our growth and future success. We will provide training and education to encourage the long-term employment and professional advancement of all our associates.

We will strive for constant improvement and innovation in all that we do.

We will earn and re-earn the goodwill, trust and confidence of our customers and colleagues every day.

The highest ethical standards will guide everything we do.

Our suppliers are important to our success. We will establish long-term relationships with suppliers whose values and quality are consistent with ours.