
A low carbon future

Decarbonising the shipping industry will be vital to achieve global and regional net zero targets. We are responding to our customers wishing to mitigate their emissions and are offering an expanding range of decarbonisation solutions.

We provide bespoke decarbonisation solutions including ‘on the spot’ decarbonisation options for ship owners. Our global bunkering coverage allows us to provide both short-term and long-term decarbonisation solutions and ensure our innovative offering remains competitive.

Carbon footprint

InterContinental Energies believes in responsible bunkering. We actively compensate for our remaining carbon emissions and can help you reduce your carbon footprint as well for voluntary or compliance purposes. As we’re committed to creating a more sustainable shipping industry, we are currently assessing and calculating our own carbon footprint.

We already reduced our carbon footprint by purchasing high-quality carbon credits generated from high-impact carbon projects. These projects take climate action and support meaningful, sustainable development around the world.

IMO targets

The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee has approved a draft of new mandatory measures for a 40% reduction of carbon intensity compared to 2008 across the global shipping fleet. The decarbonisation target is to be reached by 2030. Furthermore, the industry is pursuing efforts towards 70% by 2050.

To achieve the targets of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, it will require a mix of different initiatives, such as:

Alternative fuels
Substituting conventional fuel with alternative fuels like LNG, LPG, biofuels, methanol, hydrogen, ammonia, and synthetic fuels.

Slow steaming
Lowering of the emissions produced by reducing the amount of fuel burned by sailing in a slower pace.

Fleet- and voyage optimisation
Demand management to be utilised for improving the fleet and voyage plan, providing a reduction potential.

Energy- and operational efficiency
Improving the energy efficiency of the machinery, equipment, and ship design by using new technology and thereby providing a reduction of emissions.

Alternative technologies
Using new innovative technologies like batteries, fuel cell systems, carbon capture, and wind-assisted propulsion.