InterContinental Energies

Maritime Energy Services


InterContinental Energies is a global provider of trading services for the marine fuel and lubricant industry. Our experienced traders offer a range of solutions for clients, including physical supply, derivatives, and structured products.

InterContinental Energies’s  extensive network of suppliers and partners allows them to offer competitive pricing and flexible solutions to meet clients’ needs.

With a deep understanding of market trends and dynamics, InterContinental Energies’s trading service provides clients with timely insights and analysis to help them make informed decisions.

Overall, Our trading service offers a comprehensive and reliable solution for marine fuel trading needs.


Our broking service is designed to help ship owners and operators make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing bunker fuels.

We provide market intelligence and pricing information, as well as guidance on taxes and regulations related to buying and using bunker fuels.

Our expertise in bunker planning helps clients determine the best time and place to buy bunkers, whether from bonded or duty-free sources.

Market Intelligence & Pricing

With over 40 years of experience, we provide market intelligence & pricing service, with comprehensive and real-time data on global fuel prices, market trends, and competitor analysis.

Our service empowers you to make informed decisions on pricing and market positioning, ultimately driving profitability and maximizing ROI.

Our team continuously monitors the market, delivering accurate and up-to-date information to give you a competitive advantage in the industry.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our Market Intelligence & Pricing service can benefit your business.


Our comprehensive bunker planning service at InterContinental Energies ensures efficient and cost-effective fuel procurement for your vessels. We work with you to understand your requirements and develop a tailored plan that optimizes fuel consumption and minimizes operational costs.

Our service includes detailed analysis of vessel routes, fuel consumption patterns, and market trends to identify the most cost-effective bunkering options. We also provide real-time monitoring and support to ensure timely and quality fuel deliveries.

Benefit from reduced fuel consumption, increased efficiency, and cost savings. Contact us today to streamline your fuel procurement process.

Price risk management

InterContinental Energies offers a range of price risk management solutions for clients in the marine fuel and lubricant industry. Our team of experienced risk managers can help clients manage their exposure to price volatility through a variety of tools, including hedging strategies, options, and derivatives.

InterContinental Energies’s risk management services are tailored to client’s individual needs, with customized solutions that can help them achieve their specific risk management goals.

Additionally, InterContinental Energies’s risk management services are supported by their extensive market intelligence and analytics capabilities, giving clients the insights and information they need to make informed decisions.

Overall, InterContinental Energies’s price risk management services provide a comprehensive and effective solution for clients looking to mitigate their exposure to price volatility in the marine fuel and lubricant markets.

Technical Support

We provide technical services to our customers. 

These services ensure that customers receive high-quality fuel and accurate measurement of the quantity delivered. InterContinental Energies also offers consultancy services related to compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices in the bunkering industry.

With a team of experienced professionals and advanced equipment, InterContinental Energies is committed to providing reliable and efficient technical services to its customers, contributing to the safe and sustainable operation of their vessels.

Legal Support

InterContinental Energies is a global supplier of marine fuels and lubricants. As a trusted partner to shipping companies worldwide, InterContinental Energies understands the complex legal requirements surrounding marine fuel supply and can provide legal advice and support to its clients.

The legal service of InterContinental Energies covers a wide range of areas, including contracts, dispute resolution, environmental compliance, and regulatory compliance. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the industry, the team at InterContinental Energies is dedicated to providing top-notch legal service that meets the unique needs of each client, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Other Maritime Services

In addition to our brokerage and trading services, InterContinental Energies offers a range of related services to their clients including but not limited to arranging fresh water, waste/slops removal and appointment of a bunker surveyor or a port agent.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will assist you to the best of our ability.